I Love Sms Biography
Time would make us forget some person, but there would be some person who would make us to forget time...... Sameer +919892249499
There was a blind girl.she hated everyone except her boyfriend .she said \"i shall marry u when i could c\" eventually someone donated eyes when she could c,she she was shocked to c that her boyfriend is also blind.The boy asked \"will u marry me now\"she refused.The boy went away saying\"just take care of my eyes dear\".
jam arif 0321-6862834
The virtue of true love is not finding the perfect person but loving the imperfect person perfectly,
Love does not have an happy ending becouse it simply does not end.
a wish fairy came to me and asked my wish,i told her my wish.she became said and\"i can't give u a fairy". u know wat was my wish it was\"U"
Ohh My moon Come back and make my life bright like before
I Know there is 1000 who are looking for you but trust me I
Love you more then any one .so please come please come back
My Moon my life.
Me.Your lover 0093700243328
U wana knw y i cnt slyp at nyt? Its bec my HEART tels me hw much I LOVE U, then my MIND says i want to see U, my SOUL wud whisper U r my lyf, hir goes my HAND teling me to txt U. Such a crazy nyt.Nw U knw y i hav dis slypless nyts.
HAPPINESS is the delicate balance of what one is and what one has. It is the inner joy that can be sought or caught, but never taught or bought.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
G-get up
O-open ur eyes
O-out of ur bed
D-day has risen
M-merry life
O-old dreams cum true
N-new frnds
I-ideas of life
N-nice future
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Friendship is not collection of hearts but it is selection of hearts. All friends r not true. But true friends r very few! Like you.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
YOU look
Sweet when
You read
my SMS,
You read
n Smile...
But You
You read,
Smile n
Reply.. )so try
2 look
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Are we friends or
Are we not?..
You told me once,
but i forgot..
so tell me 'now'
and tell me 'true'..
so i can say,
i am here for you..
of all the friends,
i have ever met
"u' are the one i
will never forget..
and if i die
before u do..
i will go to heaven
and wait for u..
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Love is not sumthg that is born in the morning, shines in the noon and dies at night.
It borns when its not needed and dies wen you need it the most!!
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
"SpeciaL friends" R reaLLy reaLLy hArd 2 fiNd.. SpeciaLy tHosE wHo r "CuTe" & "pure in heart", So mY aDviSE 4 U is. Never let me go..
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
is only
Today"s moment becomes
Good or Bad
the gift of Life
LIFE itself.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
My teacher taught me that
1 Hour =60 min and
1min= 60 sec but
She never told me that,
1 sec without YOU is
equal to 100 years.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Love bears all things,
Love believes all things,
Love hopes all things,
And most precious of all,
Love endures all things,
Come we love and make things happy.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
The twittering birds,
The flowering buds,
The cool bays the shinning rays,
Your exquisite smile, your glamorous style,
Are the things which are all yours but not mine,
For me my only absence is that I need ur presence.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
There is darkness everywhere I go,
Despite the sun shining bright,
Everything seems cheerless,
Despite the colorful flowers every single sight,
I have almost everything,
Yet I have nothing to live by,
Love, this is how I feel,
When U r not by my side.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Life is a collection of changes.
So don't avoid changes.
Take every change as a challenge.
Some give success
nd some act as stepping stone to success...
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Few mnths 2 finish sweet college days.
Frends heart cry as dey depart.
Lovers cry bt wil find anothr place 2 meet.
Luv of sum wich hs nt been revealed
2 each other stays unrevealed.
Classes remain empty.
These colurful days wil nt cm bk
bt wil bring a tear n joy when v'll think abt it!
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Effort is important.
But knowing
where to make an effort
in ur life
makes all d difference.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
do you knw the worst thing of love ? sum body has tears in eyes bcoz of u .... & the best thing about love is ... that sum body has tears in eys ... just for u...
Love is like \"missed call\".
It stops when U try 2 catch.
But Frndship is like \"sms\"
Bcoz it comes & stays inside Ur Inbox
until U delete it.
So its upto u
2 keep & value a friend!
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
love the heart tht hurts u,bt never hurt the heart tht loves u,,pls dont hurt my heart cox i love u so crazy 4 ur love...naash..+9607720963..FROM..MALDIVES
when i saw U, I hold my breathe and thought......
would U be mine...
would i be urs....
would i be able to feel u....
i thought
it was a fantasy where I was living..
but U made me believe fantacy may become reality..
courtorder u are accused of stealing my haert,robing my life,and u are sentenced to be my lover for the rest of your stanley legong
Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love...Makes Life Beautiful
hw lng wil i luv u... lemme c... as lng as da stars twinkle in da sky,
as lng as da angels r up der high,
until da dai da oceans run dry,
until da dai da i shall die.xxxrabixxx
Who siad luvin u will ever be easy? I just luv u bcoz my heart tells me 2 do so, if it was not ffor my heart i was going to luv ui more n more. Enjoy ur night
I wish there is another expression 2 say 1:4:3, if only i can find it, i will say it, if only i can say it, then my luv for u will have full expression. Alfredtempo. +2348062151319
I m feeling so happy, do u know why? cuz i m so lucky, do u know how? cuz God loves me.Do u know how? cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what? its YOU my love
In my life i've travelled many roads some i regret passing but i will never forget the one i met you cause thats
when my life became hole. Deepu 09847774000
Luv not one, Luv not two Luv d one who luvs u true
Luv not three, Luv not four Luv d one who luvs u more
Luv not five, Luv not six Luv d one who really sticks(Copyright
Luv not seven, Luv not eight Luv d ne who really waits... Deepu 09847774000
Simple bye makes us cry; Simple joke makes us laugh; Simple care makes us fall in love; Simple touch makes
us feel better but I hope my simple SMS makes you smile!--.(Copyright
U know the relationship between SMILE & Ur FACE, Ur face looks good when it has SMILE on it but SMILE
looks better when it is on Ur Face. : Manish (Copyright
I try to take away the pain by finding some31 new, bt then i came 2 realize no one coeds 2 u and even f i
look around pretending not 2 cry.i'll always go back the day u finally said goodbye.Deepu 09847774000
Loving sum1 hu doesn't luv you is like watching a star u know?!?!? uc an never reach u jz hv 2 keep on
trying.why not?!??! stars can fall right?!?!? .Deepu 09847774000(Copyright
I thought that when i tried to stay away i'd learn to let you go and 4get bt iwas wrong.the more i stayed
away from u the more i realized how much i care for u
Everytime you admire the wonderful things GOD has made, remember u r one of them, wonderful inside & out. U r blessed! U r special and u r loved. I love u.
Full Name: Khanyi
Mobile: 0723177944
I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, Because I LOVE YOU!Copyright
Full Name: Ö§mäñ
Mobile: +92 (0) 3454 566641
1 + 1 is two and ya its true that I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Full Name: dj
LOVE never says who ru b/c love knows u r mine,love never asks where do u live b/c love knows u live inmy heart,Love never says what do u do b/c love knows u play with emotions,love never asks do u love me b/c love knows "I LOVE U"
Full Name: zulfi
Mobile: 03339859329
1+1= 2eyes "LOOK AT U"
12+12= 24 Hours "THINKING ABOUT U"
3+4= 7 Days "MISSING" Copyright
11+1= 12 Month "NEED A SWEET HEART LIKE U"
I Love Sms Biography
Time would make us forget some person, but there would be some person who would make us to forget time...... Sameer +919892249499
There was a blind girl.she hated everyone except her boyfriend .she said \"i shall marry u when i could c\" eventually someone donated eyes when she could c,she she was shocked to c that her boyfriend is also blind.The boy asked \"will u marry me now\"she refused.The boy went away saying\"just take care of my eyes dear\".
jam arif 0321-6862834
The virtue of true love is not finding the perfect person but loving the imperfect person perfectly,
Love does not have an happy ending becouse it simply does not end.
a wish fairy came to me and asked my wish,i told her my wish.she became said and\"i can't give u a fairy". u know wat was my wish it was\"U"
Ohh My moon Come back and make my life bright like before
I Know there is 1000 who are looking for you but trust me I
Love you more then any one .so please come please come back
My Moon my life.
Me.Your lover 0093700243328
U wana knw y i cnt slyp at nyt? Its bec my HEART tels me hw much I LOVE U, then my MIND says i want to see U, my SOUL wud whisper U r my lyf, hir goes my HAND teling me to txt U. Such a crazy nyt.Nw U knw y i hav dis slypless nyts.
HAPPINESS is the delicate balance of what one is and what one has. It is the inner joy that can be sought or caught, but never taught or bought.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
G-get up
O-open ur eyes
O-out of ur bed
D-day has risen
M-merry life
O-old dreams cum true
N-new frnds
I-ideas of life
N-nice future
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Friendship is not collection of hearts but it is selection of hearts. All friends r not true. But true friends r very few! Like you.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
YOU look
Sweet when
You read
my SMS,
You read
n Smile...
But You
You read,
Smile n
Reply.. )so try
2 look
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Are we friends or
Are we not?..
You told me once,
but i forgot..
so tell me 'now'
and tell me 'true'..
so i can say,
i am here for you..
of all the friends,
i have ever met
"u' are the one i
will never forget..
and if i die
before u do..
i will go to heaven
and wait for u..
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Love is not sumthg that is born in the morning, shines in the noon and dies at night.
It borns when its not needed and dies wen you need it the most!!
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
"SpeciaL friends" R reaLLy reaLLy hArd 2 fiNd.. SpeciaLy tHosE wHo r "CuTe" & "pure in heart", So mY aDviSE 4 U is. Never let me go..
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
is only
Today"s moment becomes
Good or Bad
the gift of Life
LIFE itself.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
My teacher taught me that
1 Hour =60 min and
1min= 60 sec but
She never told me that,
1 sec without YOU is
equal to 100 years.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Love bears all things,
Love believes all things,
Love hopes all things,
And most precious of all,
Love endures all things,
Come we love and make things happy.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
The twittering birds,
The flowering buds,
The cool bays the shinning rays,
Your exquisite smile, your glamorous style,
Are the things which are all yours but not mine,
For me my only absence is that I need ur presence.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
There is darkness everywhere I go,
Despite the sun shining bright,
Everything seems cheerless,
Despite the colorful flowers every single sight,
I have almost everything,
Yet I have nothing to live by,
Love, this is how I feel,
When U r not by my side.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Life is a collection of changes.
So don't avoid changes.
Take every change as a challenge.
Some give success
nd some act as stepping stone to success...
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Few mnths 2 finish sweet college days.
Frends heart cry as dey depart.
Lovers cry bt wil find anothr place 2 meet.
Luv of sum wich hs nt been revealed
2 each other stays unrevealed.
Classes remain empty.
These colurful days wil nt cm bk
bt wil bring a tear n joy when v'll think abt it!
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
Effort is important.
But knowing
where to make an effort
in ur life
makes all d difference.
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
do you knw the worst thing of love ? sum body has tears in eyes bcoz of u .... & the best thing about love is ... that sum body has tears in eys ... just for u...
Love is like \"missed call\".
It stops when U try 2 catch.
But Frndship is like \"sms\"
Bcoz it comes & stays inside Ur Inbox
until U delete it.
So its upto u
2 keep & value a friend!
SaaMer +92 300 2711 588
love the heart tht hurts u,bt never hurt the heart tht loves u,,pls dont hurt my heart cox i love u so crazy 4 ur love...naash..+9607720963..FROM..MALDIVES
when i saw U, I hold my breathe and thought......
would U be mine...
would i be urs....
would i be able to feel u....
i thought
it was a fantasy where I was living..
but U made me believe fantacy may become reality..
courtorder u are accused of stealing my haert,robing my life,and u are sentenced to be my lover for the rest of your stanley legong
Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love...Makes Life Beautiful
hw lng wil i luv u... lemme c... as lng as da stars twinkle in da sky,
as lng as da angels r up der high,
until da dai da oceans run dry,
until da dai da i shall die.xxxrabixxx
Who siad luvin u will ever be easy? I just luv u bcoz my heart tells me 2 do so, if it was not ffor my heart i was going to luv ui more n more. Enjoy ur night
I wish there is another expression 2 say 1:4:3, if only i can find it, i will say it, if only i can say it, then my luv for u will have full expression. Alfredtempo. +2348062151319
I m feeling so happy, do u know why? cuz i m so lucky, do u know how? cuz God loves me.Do u know how? cuz he gave me a gift. Do u know what? its YOU my love
In my life i've travelled many roads some i regret passing but i will never forget the one i met you cause thats
when my life became hole. Deepu 09847774000
Luv not one, Luv not two Luv d one who luvs u true
Luv not three, Luv not four Luv d one who luvs u more
Luv not five, Luv not six Luv d one who really sticks(Copyright
Luv not seven, Luv not eight Luv d ne who really waits... Deepu 09847774000
Simple bye makes us cry; Simple joke makes us laugh; Simple care makes us fall in love; Simple touch makes
us feel better but I hope my simple SMS makes you smile!--.(Copyright
U know the relationship between SMILE & Ur FACE, Ur face looks good when it has SMILE on it but SMILE
looks better when it is on Ur Face. : Manish (Copyright
I try to take away the pain by finding some31 new, bt then i came 2 realize no one coeds 2 u and even f i
look around pretending not 2 cry.i'll always go back the day u finally said goodbye.Deepu 09847774000
Loving sum1 hu doesn't luv you is like watching a star u know?!?!? uc an never reach u jz hv 2 keep on
trying.why not?!??! stars can fall right?!?!? .Deepu 09847774000(Copyright
I thought that when i tried to stay away i'd learn to let you go and 4get bt iwas wrong.the more i stayed
away from u the more i realized how much i care for u
Everytime you admire the wonderful things GOD has made, remember u r one of them, wonderful inside & out. U r blessed! U r special and u r loved. I love u.
Full Name: Khanyi
Mobile: 0723177944
I feel something in my heart, it's like a little flame, every time I see you, this flame lights up, this flame is special for you, Because I LOVE YOU!Copyright
Full Name: Ö§mäñ
Mobile: +92 (0) 3454 566641
1 + 1 is two and ya its true that I LOVE U!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Full Name: dj
LOVE never says who ru b/c love knows u r mine,love never asks where do u live b/c love knows u live inmy heart,Love never says what do u do b/c love knows u play with emotions,love never asks do u love me b/c love knows "I LOVE U"
Full Name: zulfi
Mobile: 03339859329
1+1= 2eyes "LOOK AT U"
12+12= 24 Hours "THINKING ABOUT U"
3+4= 7 Days "MISSING" Copyright
11+1= 12 Month "NEED A SWEET HEART LIKE U"
I Love Sms

I Love Sms
I Love Sms
I Love Sms
I Love Sms
I Love Sms
I Love Sms
I Love Sms
I Love Sms
I Love Sms

I Love Sms
I Love Sms
I Love Sms
I Love Sms
I Love Sms
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