Love Sms Download Biography
It takes a minut to have a crush on someone
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, hrs to like someone,and takes a lifetime to forget someone.
Pleasures of love lasts a moment
Pleasures of love lasts a moment but pain of love lasts a lifetime
Sumtimes I 4get 2say Hi,
Sumtimes I miss 2reply,
Sumtimes my msg doesn't reach u,
But it doesnt mean I 4get u, bcoz. ur 1of a kind and always in my mind...
If 100% of people Love u,
If 100% of people Love u,
make Sure I'm one of them,
if 99% hate u,
make sure I'm the 1% which Love u,
If 100% hate u,
make sure i am dead.
Luv hurts when u break up
Luv hurts when u break up with someone,
Luv hurts even more when she breaks up with u,
but Luv hurts d most when u not able to tell d the person whom u Love.
Give "LAUGH" 2 all
Give "LAUGH" 2 all
But "SMILE" 2 1
Give "CHEEKS" 2 all
But "LIPS" 2 1
Give "LOVE" 2 all
But "HEART" 2 1
Let Everybody "LOVE" u
But U "LOVE" 1
Love hurts when you break up with some one.
Love hurts when you break up with some one. Hurts even more when someone breaks up with you But love hurts the most when the person, you love has no idea how you feel.
In life Dont be slow so that I MISS U ,
In life Dont be slow so that I MISS U ,Dont be too fast that U MISS ME ,Just BE WITH ME So that WE ARE TOGETHER For the MOMENT called FOREVER ..
Every second God remembers you,
Every second God remembers you,
Every minute God bless you,
Every hour God cares for you because...
Every day I pray God to take care of U.
God gaved us two legs to walk,
God gaved us two legs to walk, two hands to hold, two eyes to see, two ears to heart, But Y he gives U only 1 hear 'bcos he gave the other 1 to find.
Someone Remembers, Somebody Cares,
Someone Remembers, Somebody Cares, YOUR Name Is Whispered In Somebody"s Prayers, Keep The Bright Hope Of Sunshine In View, Someone Is Warmly Thinking Of You
How Much Love In Your Heart...
How Much Love In Your Heart....? CHOOOOOSE... 100 % ( Call Me) 50 % ( Sms Me ) 25 % ( Only A Ring) 0 % NO Answer) Regards !!!!!By Asmi
Heart can Skip beat for a while.
Heart can Skip beat for a while... Memories can be kept in d file... A desert can be replaced by Nile. But nothing can stop a smile,when ur name comes on my MOBILE.By Asmi
U r like my asthma, U take my breath away.
U r like my asthma, U take my breath away.
U r likes dandruff, I can't get U out of my head.
U r like my car, U drive me crazy.
U r like my Lips, I can't smile without U.By UZZAL
I may run out of message to text you.
I may run out of message to text you.
I may run out of jokes too.
I may also run out of battery or even a Tk. too.
But my heart won't run out of space for you! By UZZAL
To love is one thing,
To love is one thing, to be loved is another, but to be loved by the one you love is Everything.By UZZAL
if ur asking if id hurt u,
if ur asking if id hurt u, the answer is never. .if ur asking if i love u,the answer is 4ever.if ur asking if i want u,the answer is i do.if ur asking wot i value most, the answer is u.By UZZAL
when all the season will be dry,
when all the season will be dry, when all the bird leave the sky, when all friends say u good bye, U will found me there to say hi
Golden Facts of Life:-When someone loves U
Golden Facts of Life:-When someone loves U,U dont realise it...When U realise it,Its too late,U always love the one who leaves U & Leave the one who loves U...
Touch my heart & ull feel,
Touch my heart & ull feel, Listen to my heart & ull hear, Look into my heart & ull see, That ull always be a special part of me.
Usually I Send SMS to people who are..
Usually I Send SMS to people who are.. Either, VERY DEAR VERY CLOSE Or VERY SPECIAL, But, in ur case, Im makin an EXCEPTION... co, u r all
The sky without stars is like sleep
The sky without stars is like sleep without dreams, like a song without music, like a rose without smell, like a face without smile, like ME without U!
If i had a wish i would be ur tears,
If i had a wish i would be ur tears,
to be born in ur eyes n to die on ur lips.
But if u were my tears, i would
never cry in fear of losing u.
There is alwayz a reason 4 evrthin
There is alwayz a reason 4 evrthin
A reason 2 live,
a reason 2 die,
a reason 2 cry,
but if u cant find
a reason to smile,
can i b da reasn 4 a while?
When u feel lonely, press
When u feel lonely, press ____ (first four letters of ur cell no).
If U miss me, press __ (next 2 digits),
want a smile, press __ (next 2 digits),
need encouragement, press __ (next 2 digits),
press them all together and U can hear me!
When u need Someone to b beside U
When u need Someone to b beside U and no One is around,
Just Gaze up in the Sky, U mite not c me, but b sure dat V r under the same sky....
Love is something special,
Love is something special, a treasure I want to find...To others, love is blind but for me, its not true, Coz..When I fell in love...I saw you.By Uzzal
My lips want to kiss you;
My lips want to kiss you; my eyes want to see you,
My hands want to touch you; every part of me wants you,
Maybe bcoz. I was made just for you!!By Uzzal
God sprinkles tiny but wonderful
God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day...and I just caught one that's so nice and's YOU !By Uzzal
Love Sms Download Biography
It takes a minut to have a crush on someone
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, hrs to like someone,and takes a lifetime to forget someone.
Pleasures of love lasts a moment
Pleasures of love lasts a moment but pain of love lasts a lifetime
Sumtimes I 4get 2say Hi,
Sumtimes I miss 2reply,
Sumtimes my msg doesn't reach u,
But it doesnt mean I 4get u, bcoz. ur 1of a kind and always in my mind...
If 100% of people Love u,
If 100% of people Love u,
make Sure I'm one of them,
if 99% hate u,
make sure I'm the 1% which Love u,
If 100% hate u,
make sure i am dead.
Luv hurts when u break up
Luv hurts when u break up with someone,
Luv hurts even more when she breaks up with u,
but Luv hurts d most when u not able to tell d the person whom u Love.
Give "LAUGH" 2 all
Give "LAUGH" 2 all
But "SMILE" 2 1
Give "CHEEKS" 2 all
But "LIPS" 2 1
Give "LOVE" 2 all
But "HEART" 2 1
Let Everybody "LOVE" u
But U "LOVE" 1
Love hurts when you break up with some one.
Love hurts when you break up with some one. Hurts even more when someone breaks up with you But love hurts the most when the person, you love has no idea how you feel.
In life Dont be slow so that I MISS U ,
In life Dont be slow so that I MISS U ,Dont be too fast that U MISS ME ,Just BE WITH ME So that WE ARE TOGETHER For the MOMENT called FOREVER ..
Every second God remembers you,
Every second God remembers you,
Every minute God bless you,
Every hour God cares for you because...
Every day I pray God to take care of U.
God gaved us two legs to walk,
God gaved us two legs to walk, two hands to hold, two eyes to see, two ears to heart, But Y he gives U only 1 hear 'bcos he gave the other 1 to find.
Someone Remembers, Somebody Cares,
Someone Remembers, Somebody Cares, YOUR Name Is Whispered In Somebody"s Prayers, Keep The Bright Hope Of Sunshine In View, Someone Is Warmly Thinking Of You
How Much Love In Your Heart...
How Much Love In Your Heart....? CHOOOOOSE... 100 % ( Call Me) 50 % ( Sms Me ) 25 % ( Only A Ring) 0 % NO Answer) Regards !!!!!By Asmi
Heart can Skip beat for a while.
Heart can Skip beat for a while... Memories can be kept in d file... A desert can be replaced by Nile. But nothing can stop a smile,when ur name comes on my MOBILE.By Asmi
U r like my asthma, U take my breath away.
U r like my asthma, U take my breath away.
U r likes dandruff, I can't get U out of my head.
U r like my car, U drive me crazy.
U r like my Lips, I can't smile without U.By UZZAL
I may run out of message to text you.
I may run out of message to text you.
I may run out of jokes too.
I may also run out of battery or even a Tk. too.
But my heart won't run out of space for you! By UZZAL
To love is one thing,
To love is one thing, to be loved is another, but to be loved by the one you love is Everything.By UZZAL
if ur asking if id hurt u,
if ur asking if id hurt u, the answer is never. .if ur asking if i love u,the answer is 4ever.if ur asking if i want u,the answer is i do.if ur asking wot i value most, the answer is u.By UZZAL
when all the season will be dry,
when all the season will be dry, when all the bird leave the sky, when all friends say u good bye, U will found me there to say hi
Golden Facts of Life:-When someone loves U
Golden Facts of Life:-When someone loves U,U dont realise it...When U realise it,Its too late,U always love the one who leaves U & Leave the one who loves U...
Touch my heart & ull feel,
Touch my heart & ull feel, Listen to my heart & ull hear, Look into my heart & ull see, That ull always be a special part of me.
Usually I Send SMS to people who are..
Usually I Send SMS to people who are.. Either, VERY DEAR VERY CLOSE Or VERY SPECIAL, But, in ur case, Im makin an EXCEPTION... co, u r all
The sky without stars is like sleep
The sky without stars is like sleep without dreams, like a song without music, like a rose without smell, like a face without smile, like ME without U!
If i had a wish i would be ur tears,
If i had a wish i would be ur tears,
to be born in ur eyes n to die on ur lips.
But if u were my tears, i would
never cry in fear of losing u.
There is alwayz a reason 4 evrthin
There is alwayz a reason 4 evrthin
A reason 2 live,
a reason 2 die,
a reason 2 cry,
but if u cant find
a reason to smile,
can i b da reasn 4 a while?
When u feel lonely, press
When u feel lonely, press ____ (first four letters of ur cell no).
If U miss me, press __ (next 2 digits),
want a smile, press __ (next 2 digits),
need encouragement, press __ (next 2 digits),
press them all together and U can hear me!
When u need Someone to b beside U
When u need Someone to b beside U and no One is around,
Just Gaze up in the Sky, U mite not c me, but b sure dat V r under the same sky....
Love is something special,
Love is something special, a treasure I want to find...To others, love is blind but for me, its not true, Coz..When I fell in love...I saw you.By Uzzal
My lips want to kiss you;
My lips want to kiss you; my eyes want to see you,
My hands want to touch you; every part of me wants you,
Maybe bcoz. I was made just for you!!By Uzzal
God sprinkles tiny but wonderful
God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day...and I just caught one that's so nice and's YOU !By Uzzal
Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download

Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download

Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download
Love Sms Download

Love Sms Download
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