Love Sms Text Messages Biography
you are also my best friend!
I hope that you finally understand, that I will love you untill the end, because your not just my girl, you are also my best friend!
Broken hearts have no spare parts
When time comes for u to give ur heart to someone, make sure that u select someone who will never break ur heart, cuz broken hearts has no spare parts
Last night one tear dropped out of my eyes
Last night , thinking of u, one tear rolled out, i asked why r u out? Tear said there is someone so beautiful in ur eyes, now there is no place for me.
I love two things
I love two things, a rose and you. A rose for a short while, but you the rest of my life
no such darling whom I love
You know what, in the whole world there is no such darling whom I love and I want the whole world to know that I will never forget you!
If I die and go to heaven
If I die and go to heaven, I put your name on a golden star. So that all the angels can see how much you mean to me !! I love you
You are always in my heart
You are always in my heart, here and everywhere, There is no one in the whole world that makes me feel this way.
They say it takes a minute 2 fine a special person
They say it takes a minute 2 fine a special person, an hour 2 appreciate them, a day 2 love them, but then an entire life 2 forget them
Forgettin you is hard to do
Forgettin you is hard to do,forgettin me is up to you,forget me not forget me never,forget this message but not the sender.
The Nominees for nice LOVERS are:
The Nominees for nice LOVERS are:
& the winner is
Coz I have you!!!"
Every life in this world has been painted by God
Every life in this world has been painted by God's own hands,That's why I am thankful God,coz when he painted my life he included a lovely color that is U..!!.!!.
Dere's no Special reason for dis msg,
Dere's no Special reason for dis msg,
I juz want 2 steal a single moment out of ur busy life and hope I can make u smile n say...
Someone remembers u
Do you know that a simple HELLO can be so sweet?
Do you know that a simple HELLO can be so sweet?
H: How r u?
E: Everything all right?
L: Like to c u.
L: Love 2 hear from u
O: Obviouslly miss u...
Some people have nice eyes,
Some people have nice eyes, Some have nice smiles & others have nice faces.. But You have all of them with a nice HEART…
I liked lots of people n missed very few
I liked lots of people n missed very few, but no one has been as special as u! I'd stand n wait in the world's longest que just for pleasure of being with u!
Do u know abt d things which live after death?
Do u know abt d things which live after death??Eyes- 31mins,Brain - 10 mins,legs - 4 hrs,Skin - 5 days,Heart - 10 mins,Bones - 30 days,LOVE - FOREVER
How 2 fall in love:
How 2 fall in love: 1. fall but dnt stumble; 2. b consistnt nt persistnt; 3. understnd but dnt demand; 4. share & nevr b unfair; 5. Hurt but never keep d pain.
What's Ur important for me?
What's Ur important for me?
Ur thinks is my breath
Ur feels become my beating
Ur breath pour in me spirit
Ur whispering awaken my whole body
Ur sight feels objective of my life
U r as much important as I
I can't imagine I can't explain,
I only Love u forever By Humaira Irfan
If there ever comes a day when
If there ever comes a day when we cannot be together,
Just know that you are in my heart.
You will be in there forever!By Uzzal
You are always my Ms. World.
You are always my Ms. World.
Your loving face..
No one will ever take your place!!By Uzzal
Sometimes your joy is source of your smile,
Sometimes your joy is source of your smile,
But sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy..
But every time you are with me..
I will be joy always.By Uzzal
i always wanted to prove my love
i always wanted to prove my love to u but i couldnt coz i couldnt found ant higest word to imagine my love to u so i want to die and ask god to give me a world that no one has said then i will come to ur dream and say By A1A
I am out of words, its seems
I am out of words, its seems as if my word bank have gone bankrupt. I cant find d word dat says I luv u more than nothing but much! I luv U By Musawakhe
If u read,u owe me a HUG
If u read,u owe me a HUG,
if u delete,u Owe me a kiss,
if u save,u owe me a DATE,
if u return txt msg 2 me,
u OWE me All,
bt if u ignore,
U r MINe!
So wat will U do?ByMimi
Love Sms Text Messages Biography
you are also my best friend!
I hope that you finally understand, that I will love you untill the end, because your not just my girl, you are also my best friend!
Broken hearts have no spare parts
When time comes for u to give ur heart to someone, make sure that u select someone who will never break ur heart, cuz broken hearts has no spare parts
Last night one tear dropped out of my eyes
Last night , thinking of u, one tear rolled out, i asked why r u out? Tear said there is someone so beautiful in ur eyes, now there is no place for me.
I love two things
I love two things, a rose and you. A rose for a short while, but you the rest of my life
no such darling whom I love
You know what, in the whole world there is no such darling whom I love and I want the whole world to know that I will never forget you!
If I die and go to heaven
If I die and go to heaven, I put your name on a golden star. So that all the angels can see how much you mean to me !! I love you
You are always in my heart
You are always in my heart, here and everywhere, There is no one in the whole world that makes me feel this way.
They say it takes a minute 2 fine a special person
They say it takes a minute 2 fine a special person, an hour 2 appreciate them, a day 2 love them, but then an entire life 2 forget them
Forgettin you is hard to do
Forgettin you is hard to do,forgettin me is up to you,forget me not forget me never,forget this message but not the sender.
The Nominees for nice LOVERS are:
The Nominees for nice LOVERS are:
& the winner is
Coz I have you!!!"
Every life in this world has been painted by God
Every life in this world has been painted by God's own hands,That's why I am thankful God,coz when he painted my life he included a lovely color that is U..!!.!!.
Dere's no Special reason for dis msg,
Dere's no Special reason for dis msg,
I juz want 2 steal a single moment out of ur busy life and hope I can make u smile n say...
Someone remembers u
Do you know that a simple HELLO can be so sweet?
Do you know that a simple HELLO can be so sweet?
H: How r u?
E: Everything all right?
L: Like to c u.
L: Love 2 hear from u
O: Obviouslly miss u...
Some people have nice eyes,
Some people have nice eyes, Some have nice smiles & others have nice faces.. But You have all of them with a nice HEART…
I liked lots of people n missed very few
I liked lots of people n missed very few, but no one has been as special as u! I'd stand n wait in the world's longest que just for pleasure of being with u!
Do u know abt d things which live after death?
Do u know abt d things which live after death??Eyes- 31mins,Brain - 10 mins,legs - 4 hrs,Skin - 5 days,Heart - 10 mins,Bones - 30 days,LOVE - FOREVER
How 2 fall in love:
How 2 fall in love: 1. fall but dnt stumble; 2. b consistnt nt persistnt; 3. understnd but dnt demand; 4. share & nevr b unfair; 5. Hurt but never keep d pain.
What's Ur important for me?
What's Ur important for me?
Ur thinks is my breath
Ur feels become my beating
Ur breath pour in me spirit
Ur whispering awaken my whole body
Ur sight feels objective of my life
U r as much important as I
I can't imagine I can't explain,
I only Love u forever By Humaira Irfan
If there ever comes a day when
If there ever comes a day when we cannot be together,
Just know that you are in my heart.
You will be in there forever!By Uzzal
You are always my Ms. World.
You are always my Ms. World.
Your loving face..
No one will ever take your place!!By Uzzal
Sometimes your joy is source of your smile,
Sometimes your joy is source of your smile,
But sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy..
But every time you are with me..
I will be joy always.By Uzzal
i always wanted to prove my love
i always wanted to prove my love to u but i couldnt coz i couldnt found ant higest word to imagine my love to u so i want to die and ask god to give me a world that no one has said then i will come to ur dream and say By A1A
I am out of words, its seems
I am out of words, its seems as if my word bank have gone bankrupt. I cant find d word dat says I luv u more than nothing but much! I luv U By Musawakhe
If u read,u owe me a HUG
If u read,u owe me a HUG,
if u delete,u Owe me a kiss,
if u save,u owe me a DATE,
if u return txt msg 2 me,
u OWE me All,
bt if u ignore,
U r MINe!
So wat will U do?ByMimi
Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages

Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages

Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages
Love Sms Text Messages
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